Energyhub is South East Energy Agency’s Regional Observatory for energy data.
It is born out of the EU Data4Action project, which promoted energy data exchange to improve decision making in relation to:
sustainable energy use;
reducing energy waste;
improving energy efficiencies;
and to make the local region a more attractive prospect to grow existing business and create inward investment from an energy view point.
Regional energy and GHG emissions Observatories are supporting structures assisting public authorities in gathering, assessing, processing and modelling energy data for better sustainable energy planning at regional and local levels. They design and implement win-win collaboration agreements with energy data suppliers (energy utility companies, statistical offices, housing associations, ESCOs, etc.) and provide a “one-stop-shop” for these data services to public authorities within one geographical area therefore optimising the efforts in data gathering and processing data for SEAPs.
The project objective was to provide the information to create a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) through the Local Authority for the Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford region, this is executed through the collaboration of local businesses, utility service providers and residential households.
Partner collaboration is crucial to the success of the Observatory, it is key for the project to build an effective partnership with stakeholders to gather energy data for the Observatory.
Energyhub aims to:
Provide a platform to enable stakeholders to SHARE Energy Data to improve sustainability!
Support knowledge transfer and replication in other European regions;
Holistic approach to sharing energy data between utilities and industry to improve public authorities’ access to energy data for a better design and monitoring of SEAPs;
Actively demonstrate energy data exchange collaboration models that are currently ‘in action’ in the twelve European partner regions;
Real time data available on the Regional Energy Observatory, which through the partners’ collaboration will be constantly evolving and improving the Observatory dashboard information for all;
Effectively mobilise public authorities and energy data providers in a win-win partnership.